Every one of us has bad days. But then we have good days and doing things that we love makes us, at least for a bit, forget our problems. However, once happiness fades, we go back to reality. Well, some people like their reality as they feel joyful every day, all of their issues or worries are solvable, they have a cozy home they can’t wait to go back to and always have somebody who’s impatiently waiting for them to come back home.
Unfortunately, there are also many people who are not happy with their lives. They feel sad more often than happy. And while sometimes people tend to put on a ‘mask’ so nobody can tell how they actually are feeling, some of their actions may show reality is a little bit different than they want everybody around them to see.
Recently, one Reddit user started a discussion online asking people to share minor indicators that actually show that people are living miserable lives. Folks online shared various opinions and when you think about them in this context, they actually make sense.
More info: Reddit
When s**t hits the fan and everybody is running around waving their arms screaming you can spot them. There will always be one guy who just sorta looks a bit tired, rolls up his sleeves and starts methodically fixing the things within his power to do so whilst just blatantly ignoring the catastrophe around him. To everybody else the end is nigh. To him, this is tuesday.